Rosette Nebula - Borg 77ED-II f4.3 & SXVR-694

2 Comments12 December 2012  |  James

After four imaging sessions in just 8 days it's the object I turned to last that has given me the most satisfaction so far... in part because I had to cut down most of a tree to capture it as it rises over a neighbours house. I then have about 2 hours before it sinks behind a neighbours tree, or at least I do now that the tree is gone :-)

The Rosette is a star forming region over 5000 light years away and is an emission nebula rather than the supernova remnant that I always think it looks like. Either way it's a beautiful object with lots of details and it fits my field of view perfectly.

I've only captured Ha so far but I've gotten 3.5 hours of it in 10 min subs.

OTA:  Borg 77EDII at f/4.3
Camera:  Starlight Xpress SXVR-694
Mount:  Skywatcher NEQ6 Pro controlled via EQMac
Guiding:  Starlight Xpress Lodestar on a piggybacked Borg MiniBorg Guidescope with PHD
Captured by:  Nebulosity, 21 x 10 minute subs
Processed in:  PixInsight (all on Mac OS X)

As always feel free to comment/criticise :-)



(Click to enlarge)  

Chris Howey
21 December 2012  |  9:16

Another great result from the Borg.
Fabulous definition.
Can't wait to get mine up & running soon.

Darren Riley
19 February 2013  |  20:46

Another great photograph. I've tried to observe this visualy without much luck, feel the purchase of a wide angled ep coming up!!