Sky-Watcher EQ3-2 Deluxe Astronomy Mount
Sky-Watcher EQ3-2 Deluxe Astronomy MountSky-Watcher EQ3-2 Deluxe Astronomy MountSky-Watcher EQ3-2 Deluxe Astronomy Mount
Sky-Watcher EQ3-2 Deluxe Astronomy MountSky-Watcher EQ3-2 Deluxe Astronomy MountSky-Watcher EQ3-2 Deluxe Astronomy Mount

Sky-Watcher EQ3-2 Deluxe Astronomy Mount

  (5 Reviews)
✓ 2 year warranty


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About this product

Model:  eq32-mount-20448
Part Number:  20448

Sky-Watcher's EQ3-2 GEQ mount is a popular choice for visual astronomy.

Features include:

  • Maximum payload capacity approx 5kg. 
  • Approximate latitude operating range: 28-60°
  • Aluminium tripod with accessory tray and bubble level. 
  • Slow-motion control knobs allow for continuous manual tracking of celestial objects. 
  • Full 360º worm-gear tracking controls on both R.A. and DEC. axes. 
  • Metal setting circle dials. 
  • An optional polarscope is available. 
  • Optional single-axis and dual-axis D.C. motor drives can be installed for continuous tracking. 

Customer reviews

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Seems like a great starting mount
05 January 2022  | 

Admittedly I’ve not tried a wide variety of mounts, but once I’d familiarised myself with setting the mount up and balancing my scope it’s proved pretty fast to get set up and viewing when the clouds have finally parted.
As others have said, I’ve found the slow-mo controls a little stiff in places which has meant my views whilst tracking a planet have felt a bit shaky - but it’s not been bad at all.
My first proper attempt out recently and I was up and running in 10 minutes and although not polar aligned for easier tracking, got some nice views of Jupiter before the cloud rolled in again.

- it’s nice and light
- with my use so far, vibration hasn’t been much of an issue for me
- seems to work well with my Mak127

- I’ve not compared to the other models, but the slow-mo controls feel a little stiff at times

Rating (max 5):  
13 May 2017  | 

I used to own one of these mounts years ago and I deemed it as a quite a reasonable mount. I always use to say you get what you pay for! It was a reasonable priced mount and gave reasonable performance. However, this recent one purchased from first light optics I would deem as almost rubbish. My biggest gripe are the worm gears on each drive - utter rubbish. I have tried regreasing and adjusting the drives and I can have the drives either very loose with LOTS of play, or the opposite VERY tight so that they hardly move! But nothing in between! It's nice to know that skywatcher have absolutely no quality control.


We like to help so please contact us prior to dismantling/servicing your mount, particularly if it is within the manufacturer's warranty period.

Rating (max 5):  
Good scope. Watch out for the polarscope
20 September 2012  | 

A good scope and, unlike its bigger brothers, doesn't require power to run. This is rather useful as a second scope mount. It will, just about, manage 120mm refractors, 150mm Maks or Newtonians, though the refractor would be the limit you'd want to use.

The biggest single problem (which may now be sorted out by the removal of old stock) is if you buy the polarscope.

The one I got was for a very old version of the EQ3-2, where you replaced the entire central mechanism for the polarscope and replace it wholesale with the given item.

The picture for the polarscope still shows the same attached setting circle and (thicker than will fit in the hole provided) scope shaft.

Worse, the instructions are old and talk about fitting the polarscope as if there were no calibration circle (the silvery collar bit) on the telescope.

Me? I tried to remove the fitting from the telescope. This was a bad idea.

Instead take the central parts of the polarscope out from the surround and it then fits in the hole provided in the telescope mount.

Hopefully they have updated the instructions at least.

If not, google for someone's instructions on the internet before trying.

Rating (max 5):  
Pretty good though some issues
20 April 2012  | 

Is my first mount and overall it does a pretty good job on keeping my skywatcher 127 mak steady. Main Issues are setting circles which don't lock in when tightened so can't really be used properly plus some stiffness in the slow motion controls or seems to even jam. Some errors in the instructional diagrams about setting circles.

Rating (max 5):  
Good enough
21 May 2011  | 

The mount is easy to set up and once polar aligned keeps track of objects well. It's also solidly built and the vibration levels are reasonable.

However, the slow motion controls can be quite stiff at times, even jamming completely occasionally. It is also worth pointing out that that the setting circles are pretty useless, but they do look quite nice on the mount.

The altitude adjustment bolts on my mount have also bent, which makes it tricky to get a good polar alignment.

It is reasonable for the price, but the bendy bolts and stiffness let it down.


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Q1. Are any extras required to fit a Sky-Watcher Startravel 102 to this mount?

The Sky-Watcher Startravel 102 telescope will come with fitted tube rings and Vixen type dovetail and will fit straight onto the EQ3-2 mount, no extras are required.

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